Ayeda Alnuaimi
The Gallery
Miss Hanneke
She is an excellent teacher, and how she teaches is simple for students to understand.
Star Of The Week
Students with the highest score are rewarded with a star of the week.
Gifts Day
​Kindergarten students celebrated the day of gifts by spreading love in each other's hearts.
My Math Lesson
This was my first time teaching math to kindergartens students. The lesson was good because the students participated with me in the class.
Animals Of The Season
KG 2-4 students work on the animals of the season in the English class.
My English Lesson
This was the low-level activity for my
English lesson. The lesson was good because the student understood how to read and write any letter (Jj).
Emirate Childers Day
Tuesday, 15 March 2022, Mazyad School celebrated Emirati Children's Day, and there were many activities that the students enjoyed.
Science Competition
Miss Hanneke's students participated in the science competition and got the highest points and won the competition.
Day Of Happiness
Friday, 18 March 2022, Mazyad School celebrated the Day of Happiness, and there were many competitions for students.
The Mother Day
Tuesday, 21 March 2022, Mazyad School celebrated Mother's Day, and the students created a card for their mothers.
Fatima's Birthday
Miss Hanneke's students celebrate by Fatima birthday.
The Last Day
Friday, 25 March 2022, was the last day in teaching practice my friends and I gave the teachers flowers.