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Ayeda Alnuaimi
KG 2 Theme
Appreciation Certificate
Sing in Sheet 1
Sing in Sheet 2
My Gallery
Reading Time
Every Thursday, grade KG has a reading lesson in the library. Once for the Arabic language and once for the English language.
Experience 1
On the science fair day, Ms. Hanneke prepared a slime activity for grade KG 2-3.
Humans and Animals
The classroom has a corner to display the student's creative work.
Experience 2
On the science fair day, Ms. Hanneke prepared a marble paper activity for grade KG 2-4.
Flower Shop Corner
In the garden unit, Ms. Hanneke do corner the flower shop to the students.
The Flag Day
Thursday, 3 November, was the flag day , and we enjoyed the theatrical performances.
Express Thanks
I gave my students gifts to thank them for their effort.
Teacher Gfits
We appreciate all the help that the Mazyad school teachers give us.
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